- upper class
- middle class
- lower class
Generally it is the middle class (aka working class) who is guilty of the entitlement mentality, with the lower class rallying up behind. As an employee have the following thoughts ever crossed your mind :
- I deserve a raise after all these years
- What benefits do I get from working for your company for xxx years?
- The company auto deducts from my salary, I wanna make sure I get the full benefits
- Lemme print those for you in the office, of course I can do it, I work there!
- That's not in my job description, sorry can't help you
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you are guilty of the entitlement mentality. Would you ever work for free? Of course not. That is an entitlement mentality. But we need money.
I agree.
And I am entitled, so why is this mentality bad?
It's bad just like the crab and colonial mentality because people become lazy and greedy. It programs your mind to be a receiver instead of a giver. And when everyone wants to get what's rightfully theirs, soon there's not enough for everyone.
When I was in grade school at Colegio San Agustin in Binan, I remember how my school gave only 3 medals for academic achievement- a bronze, a silver and gold. The school also put the official school stamps on your report card: 1 stamp for satisfactory achievement, 2 stamps for very satisfactory, and 3 stamps for excellent. I was ecstatic when I got 1 stamp, I never got a medal.
Most schools today give medals for everything, because they believe a student is entitled to something, even if they are not the best. They give a medal for Mr or Ms friendship, cheerful, politeness, funny guy, attendance... and the list goes on. I know because I was a teacher in one school and had to rack my brains for creative titles just so we can give the stupid kids a medal. Was that mean? But it's reality, that's how traditional schools label children who do not do well academically and the school's solution to covering up their mean ways is to give everybody a medal (to also shut the parents up).
I don't want my kids growing up with an entitlement mentality, I don't want them to to be laid back just because they got a "Best in Chess" medal. This was my son's excuse when I asked him to read his books. "I got a medal anyway mom, I've been good so why do I need to read? My teacher didn't tell me to".
What I want for my kids is to keep striving for self-improvement regardless of what they receive. Homeschooling them makes freedom to learn what matters in real life possible. Now that I am my kids' teacher, no more excuses.
In my previous posts, I've talked about reading the latest book from Robert Kiyosaki. If you want to know more about the entitlement mentality, how it started and how it's affecting the world's economy today, I recommend you read his book. This is part 3 of three posts of On Why A Students Work for C Students.
Do comment below, I appreciate all kinds of feedback. Click on like if you enjoyed (like button appears only if you're logged on to facebook). Thanks and come back to read more on how homeschooling can be a used as a tool to financial freedom!
Please note that I am NOT being paid by Mr Kiyosaki or the Rich Dad Company to endorse this book. I am just a loving parent and big fan of Mr. RK