I was going to title this post Starting the Year Right but then I thought how do I know I have done right? What's important is that things got started. Get the ball rolling.
As I write this on a sunny Saturday morning, Cam who is now nearly 15 years old is cutting the grass in the yard and around the house with a friend. They agreed to do the task for 400 pesos, they will split the money. Codi who is 8 is somewhere outside on his roller blades, while Haley (4) is at a neighbor's house playing with her bff Alison. Colin (10) is downstairs with a buddy playing NBA 2K14...oh wait he said now they are playing Five Night's at Freddy's which is a horror pc game.
I read through some of my previous posts and shed a tear or two when I read about my past fights with handyman. Boy we had some good fights in the year 2014. I don't mean that fighting is good, I mean that looking back on them now that we have overcome our problems is good. The scratches the bruises, the sillyness of what started the fight (not texting back, sleeping too much, drinking coffee in the car, asking the same question over and over, not listening to what I just said...the silly list goes on and on) He always says he never hurts me, he is just shielding himself from my punches, thereby I am hurting myself in the process.
I turned 35 years old this past December and I would say I haven't changed THAT much in my personality. I am not so kuripot (cheapskate) anymore I suppose. If my kids want to go buy something at 7-11 with their friends I just let them but I do remind them that I just did the groceries and bought some goodies that are available for them to eat...but go ahead. Handyman wants to buy an 88 peso jar to put ground pepper in...fine go ahead if it makes you happy when you cook eggs and in the morning.
After all, God has been good to us and we've always had enough, never too much or too little. Just right. I trust He will continue to provide what we need so I'm letting loose a little bit.
That's not to say we are spending left and right. I have upped my grocery budget from 10k to 15k pesos a month. Aside from my kids eating more, I also want to get the Elite card member of Shopwise finally. Just one of those silly things I want in life, kind of like George Clooney wanting to hit 10 million frequent flyer miles in the movie Up in the Air (2009).
Movie nights are still just downloading something off the internet, we don't go out to the cinemas, although the kids asked me many times if we could go out to see a movie. They are not deprived kids. They would visit their grandma once a month and stay a few days and get spoiled with most of what they want. We have a rule that they are not allowed to ask their grandma for money or anything expensive, but it's ok if they go out to eat or go to see a movie. If grandma wants to buy them little toys or whatnot then that's fine too. But I strictly told them never to accept any money, except during Christmas day, I let that one slide.
Why I am strict with their relationship with their grandmother is a long story. But I will someday describe more of my dysfunctional relationship with my mother. I talk a little bit about my mother in this post.
It's business as usual in my personal life. I have renewed business permits, registration and taxes with BIR.
All diet went out the window during the holidays so now I am looking at Shaun T's insanity videos for my new workout regimen. Hopefully I will be motivated to actually do them instead of it ending up just in display and untouched like these other workout equipment I bought:
Just like the title of this post, just START SOMETHING, don't wait for everything to be in the right place at the right time before doing something. You want to invest? You want to play? You want to relax? You want to finish that book? You want to start a course or a seminar? You want to workout? The right time to do things is now.